ETF Portfolio Builder
Try our Portfolio Builder to get a taster of how easy it is to build portfolios on the Algo-Chain platform.
Algo-Chain has a vast range of model portfolios (nearly 80,000) for you to be able to build portfolios in different currencies, risk ratings and asset allocations.
Simply select a currency and a risk rating!
Risk Rating
At Algo-Chain we believe that risk is determined by volatility and maximum drawdown. The model portfolios all have at least a 20-year history
(these are core exposures, for which we have a long history by combining the ETF historical data with its benchmark index history).
This gives a fairly good indication of risk in the future. We determine the risk rating for both volatility and maximum drawdown according
to the table, average the two numbers and round up if required.
Trading Signals
Once you have chosen a portfolio, you can see a trading signal for each individual asset based on a trend-following signal.
This is one of the signals we use to determine whether to go over- or underweight an asset.
Talk to our ETF Strategist to find out more about what we can offer for you at Algo-Chain