White Label ETP Service
Exchange traded products (ETPs) are investments that are traded on a stock exchange and which invest in underlying securities or assets

ETPs in a Nutshell

Exchange traded products (ETPs) are investments that are traded on a stock exchange and which invest in underlying securities or assets

List your portfolios on The London Stock Exchange or other top European exchanges

Ideal for online investment platforms offering their own model portfolios or Wealth Managers who want to distribute their portfolios to a wider audience

Is this for you?

Ideal for online investment platforms offering their own model portfolios

And for Wealth Managers & Financial Advisors who want to distribute their portfolios to a wider audience

Climate Change, Net Zero and Sustainability

Our Partnership

Our white label ETP programme is delivered in partnership with Leverage Shares*

Investment strategies via these efficient wrappers can be offered at lower cost and remove the need for KYC admin for investors and fund managers

About Us
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Leverage Shares for ETP distribution
Algo-Chain is an investment management FinTech firm enabling its clients to benefit from the application of Data Science when looking to achieve top quartile performance with ETF portfolios.

Our innovative portfolio construction wizard, along with our dynamic asset allocation models, empowers our clients to offer bespoke solutions on very competitive terms.
Leverage Shares is the European leader in physically-backed exchange traded products (ETPs). Their products make up nearly 10% of all ETPs listed on the London Stock Exchange and Euronext.

These listed strategies enable investors to make directional trades on the most popular equities and indices in leveraged, short, and tracker format in multiple currencies during European trading times.
*The acceptance by Leverage Shares of any white label partner is subject to the conduct of due diligence and is subject to all relevant regulatory requirements. The creation of all Leverage Shares white label ETPs are subject to all relevant regulatory requirements and the receipt of relevant consents and licenses.

Leverage Shares white label ETPs may not be available in your market or suitable for you.
Rapidly Design & Manage Multi-Asset Model Portfolios
Use our Asset Allocation Wizard to gain an edge by searching for the portfolio that best suits the prevailing macro-economic conditions
Map your preferred model onto a list of ETFs, with access to all the classic 'Blue Chip' exposures and an extensive range of Themed ETFs
For managers looking to offer an active portfolio strategy why not use trading signal and backtesting tools to dynamically re-balance your investments?
checkETF Playlist Manager
checkPortfolio Manager
checkAsset Allocation Wizard
checkThemed Investment Wizard
checkMacro Economic Heatmaps
checkETF Trading Signals
checkBacktesting Tools
Our ETP White Label Offer
Reduce complexity in listing and distribution
checkEuropean UCITS eligible ETPs, compliant with PRIIPs
checkListed in multiple currencies on the London Stock Exchange, preferred by European institutional and retail investors
Mitigate costs
checkMinimal upfront costs to launch
checkReduced fund platform fees, taxes, operations, KYC/DD, legal
checkEfficient reporting, regulatory, eco-system management
Time to market
checkLaunch within 3 months
checkPromote with PR, marketing, and distribution
Benefits of Exchange Traded Model Portfolios